Monday, June 22, 2009

Spaced out fools

Had a guy in last Friday completely doped out of it. But in fairness he did provide one of the funniest sights I've ever seen personally in a pharmacy. Firstly and elderly gentleman came in. Had the usual elderly gentleman prescription: couple of blood pressure medications, finasteride, lipitor. While I was running it through the computer he stood by the till waiting.

One of our unfortunate homeless patients then came in. Completely spaced out of it. Drunk, stoned or both I don't know. Had his weekly prescription for about 400 valium, which the doctor had issued without even seeing him. On the other hand the hostel where this guy calls home have warned us not to dispense to him unless he is sober. This was as a result of a previous incident where the weeks supply of 400 and odd valium went 'missing' in the space of about 3 hours.

While dealing with gentleman 1's prescription and comtemplating what to do with the second guy (the doctor was gone for the afternoon) the stoner stood next to the regular guy, swaying, slurring his words and asked, "Are you getting drugs off him too? It's great isn't it? They just give ya drugs for free, like." It was comedy at it's finest.

What a lovely way to spend taxpayers money......

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